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GOP Presidential Candidate Wants to Give Away $20 Gift Cards If You Donate $1 to Campaign

You may not know North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum is running for president.

Burgum, 66, is desperate to eclipse the 40,000 unique donor threshold required to qualify for the GOP primary debates.

The entrepreneur’s solution is to buy your donation.

Burgum is offering $20 gift cards if you donate $1 to his presidential campaign.

He calls it the “Biden Relief Card.”

“The American people are hurting in President Biden’s economy, and this is one way we’re trying to help. Get your Biden Relief Card before they run out,” Burgum said.

“We just launched an initiative to give people support from Bidenflation by offering a $20 gift card to the first 50,000 people who donate $1 to our campaign!” Burgum’s campaign website states.

“The burden on American families caused by the Democrats is unruly, and Joe Biden is doing nothing to fix it. We want to help, so we’re offering YOU a $20 gift card, and all YOU have to do is contribute $1 to claim it,” the donation website reads.

There is a limit of one gift card per person.

If Burgum achieves his goal of 50,000 donors, he’ll give away $1 million in gift cards in the process.

“People are hurting because of Bidenflation, and giving Biden Economic Relief cards is a way to help 50,000 people until we get in office and fix this crazy economy for everyone!” Burgum tweeted with the gift card deal.

Fox News reports:

Burgum spokesperson Lance Trover told Fox News Digital, “Doug knows people are hurting because of Bidenflation and giving Biden Economic Relief Gift Cards is a way to help 50,000 people until Doug is elected President to fix this crazy economy for everyone.”

“It also allows us to secure a spot on the debate stage while avoiding paying more advertising fees to social media platforms who have owners that are hostile to conservatives,” Trover added.

Burgum has a little over one month to reach his goal for the chance to qualify for the first GOP primary debate on August 23rd in Milwaukee.

Candidates must also have at least 1% in certain national polls to qualify for the debate stage.

Zero Hedge noted Burgum is struggling to hit 1% in the polls:

Even if the gift-card gimmick works, the 1% polling requirement may still be Burgum’s undoing: The Real Clear Politics average has him at just 0.1% nationally and 1% in Iowa.

On the other hand, he’s already demonstrated the ability to surge from the back of the pack to pull off the upset. A month after he announced his 2016 gubernatorial candidacy, he was 49 points behind the leader, but went on to win the primary by a whopping 20-point margin.

As governor, Burgum has signed several laws pushing back on the trans agenda, as well as one of the country’s strictest abortion bans. As presidential candidate, he’s promised to aggressively pursue the cold war with China that he says is already underway, pledging to “unite the country and take the fight to China and Xi Jinping.”

Regarding the war in Ukraine, last month Burgum said, “Russia cannot have a win coming out of this, because if it’s a win for them, it’s a win for China.”

Something tells me his Russia-Ukraine position won’t sit well with many Republican voters.


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