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WATCH: Trump Greets Officers In Los Angeles, California

President Trump made a pit stop at the Los Angeles International Airport to meet up with some LA police officers.

Videos of Trump shaking hands with various Los Angles County police officers outside of Trump Force One went viral on Twitter on Sunday.

Watch the moment it happened:

Left wing outlets were quick to attack the officers that met up with Trump.

Per Independent:

Former president Donald Trump is treading through waves of backlash after a video circulated of him taking selfies with police officers.

Dan Scavino, a senior adviser on Trump’s 2024 campaign and former White House deputy chief of staff, posted the video on Sunday of the former president greeting law enforcement officers at Los Angeles International Airport.

A Tennessee election commissioner, Chris D Jackson, tweeted in response: “I’m really confused how government agencies continue to let this kind of political involvement by on the job, uniformed officers take place. It’s a clear violation of taxpayer dollars.”

In the same vein, one Twitter user wrote, “Not LA cops doing a Trump photo op on our taxpayer’s dime.”

In a reply, another user said, “This should piss off every taxpayer of LA.”

Yet another user reacted to the video, tweeting that the act was a “Disgrace to all the US capital and DC metro police officers who were attacked by trump’s maga thugs.”


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