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Biden Claims that Putin is Losing the War …in Iraq…

Good God, how has Joe Biden not been removed from office yet?

He has repeatedly proven himself to be incompetent.

His mind is clearly gone and now we have just a bit more proof.

On Tuesday, Biden claimed that Russian president Vladimir Putin is losing the war in Iraq…

Naturally, we all know that Putin is not at war with Iraq but with Ukraine…

Apparently nobody told Biden this fact.

This fits in with Biden’s favorite continuous false claim that his son Beau died while fighting in Iraq.

Why does he always fall back on the war in Iraq by attributing events to it that never occurred?

Could it be that the last time his mind was close to “sharp” was back during the Iraq war?

That’s terrifying enough because Biden was never sharp…

ABC News reported on Biden’s latest gaffe, which he repeated twice:

The first apparent gaffe occurred Tuesday when Biden was courting Democratic donors at a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

“Think about this: If anybody told you — and my staff wasn’t so sure, either — that we’d be able to bring all of Europe together in the onslaught on Iraq and get NATO to be completely united, I think they would have told you it’s not likely,” Biden said. “The one thing Putin counted on was being able to split NATO.”

Biden is clearly stuck in or around the year 2004, as he made a second false claim about a war in Iraq:

“It’s hard to tell, but [Putin’s] clearly losing the war in Iraq, losing the war at home. And he has become a bit of a pariah around the world,” Biden told reporters.

Here’s the response from Twitter:


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