As you know, we’re big fans of Jonathan Cahn around here.
In fact, I look forward to one day having him on my show to chat.
His research always blows my mind and teaches me new things I hadn’t ever heard about before.
And I know many of you love him too.
So when I saw him teaching on the Secret Mystery behind Pride Month, I knew it would be good.
It’s a short video, only 10 minutes, but so worth it.
Please enjoy:
Full transcript for those who can’t watch/listen:
this is Jonathan Khan it’s June thatmeans it’s pride month Rainbows areeverywhere on television in departmentstores on corporate logos insupermarkets and parades and children’scartoons even on the U.S Air Forcewebsite even on the White House butwhat’s really behind it we’re going topull away the veil to uncover a secretthat goes back half a century in amystery that goes back even fartherthousands of yearsthis in my hands is the presidentialProclamation that Biden issue to beginthis month we’re going to expose thattoo what does this celebration actuallycelebrate the president explains it inthe first words of the Proclamation hesays this in June 1969 a group ofcourageous Americans rose up to protestthe violence and marginalization theyfaced in what became known as TheStonewall uprisingJune is pride monthbecause of that the only problem is thepresident’s narrative is Twisted the barcalled Stonewall was owned by the mafiait violated several laws it wasregularly rated what was different thatnight is that the people whom thepresident prays as courageous Americanswho stood bravely against the police toprotest violence were the ones whoactually committed the violence thepolice consisted of about eight peoplethe mob that came against them withviolence consisted of hundreds of peopleand the hundreds rose up violentlyagainst the eight hurling stones at thembecoming so dangerous and violent thatthe police were scared for their livesthey retreated into the bar andbarricaded themselves to save theirlives the mob then tried to get to thepolice by breaking down the doors of thebarthey then tried to set the bar on firewith the police inside the bar theypoured lighter fluid on paper andprojectiles ignited them and threw themand pushed them into the bar to burn thepolicemen alivethat’s the actual origin of pride monthand that’s what the president has calledyou to celebrate in his own words whichis to celebrate violence destruction andthe attempt to burn police officersalivethe Bible says woe to those who callevil good and good evil the president isgetting real good at it he goes on tosay over 600 hateful laws targeting thelgbtqi plus Community have beenintroduced throughout the land exceptit’s a lie what are those laws they arelaws such as do not indoctrinate ourchildren into this agenda do notsexualize our children don’t expose themto this don’t confuse them as to whetherthey are boys or girls don’t inject themwith hormones don’t mutilate them forthe rest of their lives and this is whatthe president calls hateful he says it’stargeting the gay community another lieit’s not targeting anyone it’s simplyprotecting children he goes on he saysbooks about lgbtqi plus people are beingbanned do you know which books he’stalking aboutbooks put into children’s sections oflibraries and schools with graphicpornography teaching children to performall kinds of sex acts some advocatingpedophilia boys having sex with men andindoctrinating them into theseLifestyles parents are not only right toprotect their children from such thingsthey have a responsibility to do so andfor the president to call the parentstrying to protect their children evil isitself evil parents have to protecttheir children from their president’sAdministration recently the White Houseacted shocked when trans activists thatthey had invited for their White HousePride Celebration expose their breastsin front of the White House that was anoffense to do in front of the WhiteHousebut it’s okay to expose sex acts tochildrenno the offense was the act of the WhiteHouse the proclamation goes on to saytransgender youth in over a dozen stateshave their medically necessary HealthCare banned another deception what is heactually talking about laws that protectchildren against having adults confusethem sexualize them lead them intohormonal alteration and surgicallysterilize them castrate them have theirorgans removed permanently mutilate themeven hiding it from their parents that’swhat is masked as medically necessaryHealth Care it is not gender affirmingcare it is gender destroying mutilationthe president is Waging War against theprotection of children actually seekingthat states that ban the mutilation ofchildren be denied medical fundingunlike states such as California whichare trying to make it law that ifparents don’t go along withtransgendering their own children thestate can actually remove their childrenfrom themin the proclamation Biden says that hisadministration is Waging War on quoteconversion therapy well does thatinclude counseling people that they canbe set free of same-sex attraction justwondering because the Bible says justthat just as they can be free ofadultery and immorality by the power ofGod so is the president going to declarethe Bible illegal and the proclamationthe president boasts of his signing therespect for Marriage Act which isactually the disrespect for Marriage Actand which was sealed when he lit up theWhite House as a rainbow and the daythat he did it happened to be the daywhich the Bible identifies as connectedto sinful marriages that God says hewould not respect the respect forMarriage Act struck down the Defense ofMarriage Act which Biden as a senatorhad actually voted for he actually votedfor listen to cut off any funds to anyschool that taught homosexuality now hisadministration is trying to cut offfunds from organizations and states thatwill not support and celebratehomosexuality and transgenderism hecalls them evil what does this reveal itreveals the total absence of a moralcompass and he writes I Joseph R BidenJr hereby Proclaim June as lesbian gaybisexual transgender queer and intersexpride month I call all upon the peopleof the United States to celebrate and towave their flags of Pride High so thepresident of the United States istelling you to celebrate What God Saysis a sin and it’ll put you at war withGod and to do so in the name of Pridewhich is yet another sin he proclaimedAmerica is a nation of Pride the Biblesays Pride leads to destructionwhat have we done we’re devoting anentire month to celebrate an alternateform of sexuality we don’t even givemore than a day to celebrate America’sbirth we’re mutilating children andcelebrating it have we gone mad whatwould possess us to do thisthis goes to the mystery behind pridemonth when a nation turns away from Godand drives his Spirit out of its cultureits house will not stay empty otherspirits will come in and will possess itand transform itwhen I wrote The Return of the Gods Iidentified those Spirits ancient spiritsthat are now at work possessing andtransforming America one is called theenchantress in her ancient Mesopotamianinscriptions it is written that sheturns men into women and women into menher priesthood were called the asinuthey were men who walked around hertemples dressed up as women and to whomparents brought their children to seethem perform dance this goddess whoaltered sexuality and gender was linkedto the sign of the rainbowthere’s a dark secret to the rainbowthat I reveal in the book that wouldcause anybody to have second thoughtsabout waving it or hanging it on theWhite Housenow the rainbow does not belong to manor to any movement or to any sin therainbow belongs to God but the goddesswas actually known in her writings forstealing that which belonged to othergods so for the White House or anyone touse the rainbow of God against the willand ways and purposes of God is a mostdangerous thingand you want to know the mystery ofpride month there was one month of theyear that the spirit of the Goddessespecially possessed the culture theancient month of tamus and the return ofthe Gods I quote the ancient writerSaint Jerome identifying the month ofthese celebrations as the month of inLatin eunium or in Modern English it wasthe month of June and she was known asthe goddess of Pride so the month ofpride pride month and she was thegoddess of parades in which she callsmen dressed as women and women as men toparade through the city streets you seewhen you turn away from God this is whathappens Jesus warned of it your housewill become repossessed by the spiritsthat were cast out and so it has it’seither God or thisfor those of you who are into theseLifestyles you are loved by God and he’scalling you back and because of his lovehe speaks and we speak must speak thetruth and stand against the darknessthat would destroy you and for those ofyou who are parents your children are agift from God God entrusted them to younot to the school system not to Disneynot to Children’s programming or YouTubeor tick tock not to the state and not tothe president guard them against theagenda that is seeking to possess andDestroy themand as for the rest the president hascalled you to waive the flag that Warsagainst God to become an enemy of God donot listen to him lower that flag put itaway have nothing to do with it or withpride the rainbow is the sign that Godgave of his Mercy turn to God and cometo his mercy and if you’re going to liftsomething up lift up The Only Name thathas the power to save you and changeyour life the name of Jesus Yeshua andhe will have mercy and he will notreject you his arms are open to youright now and do not fear but do what’sright stand up speak up do not be silentdo not be intimidated resist thedarkness on the day of judgment you willnot stand before the majority you willstand before God all these things will
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