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Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Reveal New Alleged Burisma-Linked Bank Account

Independent citizen journalist Kanekoa The Great shared emails from the Hunter Biden laptop that shed light on a “newly discovered” Hunter Biden bank account.

“Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Hunter Biden Maltese bank account opened by Burisma that coincides with the $10 million bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source,” Kanekoa The Great tweeted.

Review Kanekoa The Great’s Twitter thread, which cites emails from

“Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, allegedly paid a $5 million bribe each to then-VP Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Zlochevsky, who faced investigations for money laundering, reportedly employed Hunter to leverage his political influence in order to halt the investigations,” he continued.

“In 2018, Joe Biden admitted to pressuring Ukraine’s President to fire the prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating his son’s Ukrainian energy company. Biden accomplished this by leveraging the threat of withholding a $1 billion US loan guarantee,” he added.

“In May 2016, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden that he was opening him a Maltese bank account. Pozharskyi requested the documentation required for the account opening, including a copy of Hunter’s passport, a bank reference letter, and a utility bill,” he continued.


“Hunter responded by stating, ‘We are working on this – I was traveling with my dad and had my passport abroad last week,'” he noted.


“In the subsequent weeks, Hunter Biden’s assistant, Joan Mayer, provided copies of Hunter’s documentation, as requested. Mayer also suggested providing a letter from Hunter’s corporation, Owasco, to confirm his annual salary, asking, ‘Is that what the bank is looking for?'” he continued.


“A Burisma attorney sent an email to Hunter, sharing the address and swift code of Satabank, the Maltese bank. A few days later, Hunter’s assistant sent “Hunter’s tax ID number and signature” to the Burisma executive, who responded with a confirmation: ‘All received!'” he continued.



“In 2018, Satabank was closed for money laundering violations. In 2019, all accounts were frozen, and investigations started for suspicious transactions tied to illegal activities. Auditors found in 2020 that around €11 billion in suspicious transactions went through Satabank,” he added.

“Vadym Pozharskyi facilitated the establishment of the Maltese bank account for Hunter Biden a year after Hunter introduced his father to the Burisma executive,” he continued.

“In a now-infamous email, Pozharskyi revealed that Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer operated as unregistered foreign lobbyists by organizing a private dinner with then-Vice President Joe Biden at Cafe Milano in D.C.,” he added.


“In a previous email, Pozharskyi requested advice from Hunter on leveraging his influence to benefit the company,” he added.


“Senator Chuck Grassley delivered a speech on Monday criticizing the FBI for releasing a redacted version of the unclassified memo, accusing the FBI and the Justice Department of targeting Trump while protecting the Bidens,” he added.

“The FBI source mentioned that Zlochevsky claimed it would take a decade to unravel the complex money trail, but he couldn’t anticipate Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at a repair shop, which exposed his deputy’s role in the Maltese bank account setup,” he continued.

“In 2020, Ukrainian officials seized a $6 million cash bribe linked to Mykola Zlochevsky. The bribe, consisting of $100 bills wrapped in rubber bands and held in plastic bags, aimed to stop an investigation into the founder of Burisma Holdings,” he continued.

“Unfortunately, evidence from the 2019 Horowitz Inspector General Report and the recent Durham Report supports the notion that the FBI and DOJ are politicized institutions tasked with hiding the establishment’s crimes while selectively targeting its political opposition,” he added.

“@MarcoPolo501c3 released a 630-page Report on the Biden Laptop with 2,020 citations that thoroughly documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family & their business associates,” he added.

“Credit to @maxxiscopolis for spotting the Maltese bank first and assisting with the research for this article,” he added.

Kanekoa The Great noted on Substack:

Emails from the Biden laptop shed light on Burisma’s opening of a Maltese bank account for Hunter Biden in the spring of 2016. This newly discovered development coincides with the allegations made by an FBI source, suggesting that Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, allegedly paid a $5 million bribe each to then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

In 2014, Ukraine initiated criminal cases against Zlochevsky and Burisma, the company where Hunter Biden held a board position and received substantial compensation. Zlochevsky, who faced investigations for money laundering and public corruption, allegedly employed the Vice President’s son to leverage his political influence in order to halt the investigations.

According to the FBI whistleblower document, the pay-for-play scheme is outlined, with Zlochevsky purportedly safeguarding 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens as an “insurance policy.” Among these recordings are two alleged conversations with then-Vice President Biden himself.


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