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Clinton 2024? Hillary Mocks Trump; Touts New “But Her Emails” Merchandise; Appears to Fundraise Off Trump’s Indictment

It’s baffling to see the audacity and lack of grace that Hillary Clinton is showing.

The former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee has decided to capitalise on former President Trump’s federal indictment by pushing her merchandise with the infamous slogan “But Her Emails”.

Clinton shamelessly turned to Twitter Friday, just a day after Trump’s indictment was announced, to advertise her ‘tongue-in-cheek’ merch. She beckoned her 31 million followers to “Get a limited-edition But Her Emails hat and support @onwardtogther groups working to strengthen our democracy.”

It’s beyond ironic and quite audacious that Clinton is exploiting this situation, especially given the context.

She herself faced a firestorm of criticism in 2016 over her use of a personal email server while serving as Secretary of State – an issue that was a prominent point of contention during her campaign against Trump.

It’s disconcerting to see her trying to turn a buck from the same controversy that she herself was embroiled in.

But could this be prelude to an announcement regarding 2024?

After all, why release merchandise and appear to fundraise off of Trump’s indictment?


What’s Hillary’s end game?

More details below:

If Hillary had a clue, should would know that this is NOT a joking matter.

After all, she ALSO had classified emails on her private server.

Then she tried to cover it up!

And what’s even more worrying?

This bold move, albeit in poor taste, could very well be a precursor to another Clinton bid for the presidency in 2024.

Could we really be facing a rerun of the Clinton drama? Hold onto your hats, folks. It could be a bumpy ride.

The Hill confirms:

Hillary Clinton is reacting to former President Trump’s federal indictment by making a pitch for her “But Her Emails” merchandise.

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee took to social media Friday — just hours after Trump announced Thursday that his legal team had been told he was indicted following an investigation into his handling of classified documents — with a plug for her tongue-in-cheek swag.

“Bringing this back in light of recent news,” Clinton told her more than 31 million Twitter followers.

“Get a limited-edition But Her Emails hat and support @onwardtogther groups working to strengthen our democracy,” she added. The $32, made-in-the-U.S. caps emblazoned with the words “But Her Emails” are described as “unstructured dad hats” on Onward Together’s sales page.

Clinton faced scrutiny in 2016 over her use of a personal email server while secretary of State, with the practice becoming a major political issue during her presidential campaign against Trump.

No matter what, the hypocrisy is apparent.

Take a look at some of the facts regarding Hillary Clinton’s corruption and the two tiered justice system.


Is all of this prelude to a 2024 run for Hillary Clinton?

Again, why would she even step into the fray and try to sell merchandise?

Like, what’s her goal?

The New York Post reported that Clinton randomly began attacking Biden’s age as little as three weeks ago:

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admitted over the weekend that President Biden’s advanced age is an issue for his electability in 2024, but urged voters to support him regardless.

Clinton, 75, expressed mild skepticism about the 80-year-old president’s fitness for office at the Financial Times Weekend Festival in Washington, saying “his age is an issue, and people have every right to consider” it, according to Fox News.

The former secretary of state and senator from New York was responding to a question from FT editor Edward Luce about Biden nearly tumbling down the stairs during last week’s G-7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

“There was that heart-stopping moment when he almost fell over coming down the stairs a day or two ago,” Luce said.

“Every time that happens, your heart is in your mouth because these things could be consequential. Is that a concern?”

“It’s a concern for anyone. We’ve had presidents who had fallen before who were a lot younger, and people didn’t go into heart palpitations,” Clinton replied.

“But, you know, he has this great saying — and I think he’s right — don’t judge him for running against the Almighty but against the alternative. I am of the camp that I think he’s determined to run.”

Clinton also said Biden rarely gets the credit he deserves “in terms of jobs and growth and planning for the future with CHIPS and other stuff.”

“So, I obviously hope he stays very focused and able to compete in the election because I think he can be re-elected, and that’s what we should all hope for.”

By casting doubt on Biden’s age, Hillary is positioning herself to be a reliable alternative should Biden stumble on the campaign trail due to his age.

So what do you think?

Is this merchandising ploy just a way for her to make money?

Or is this her attempt to feel the 2024 waters and test the Democrat base’s appetite for yet another campaign?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!



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