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DEVELOPING: More Names In Epstein’s Network REVEALED

Tick tock, tick tock. …

We still don’t have the Epstein client list but every single day we get closer to having that list—public interest in the list isn’t going away and the work of investigative journalists will not stop.

As part of that ongoing investigative effort, numerous details on Epstein’s network and his connections have since come to light.

I want to stress that someone being in Epstein’s network does not mean they were on his client list, nor does it mean that they are guilty of any wrongdoing. …

However, it does point us in the right direction—they’re more clues that will ultimately lead us to the truth.

The latest reports from the Daily Mail, The Wall Street Journal, and others have all revealed new names in Epstein’s network of power, fame, riches, and royal intrigue.

Some of the names reportedly include Chris Rock, David Blaine, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson, and Irina Shayk.

Here’s what we currently know:

Daily Mail featured a powerful report detailing the latest known connections to the late financier and convicted sex trafficker:

As he sought to rehabilitate his image, dozens of powerful people were scheduled to meet him including Irina Shayk, Chris Rock, Wendi Murdoch and Richard Branson.

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel, early Facebook investor Sean Parker, artist Jeff Koons, JP Morgan chief executive Jamie Dimon and music industry executive Tommy Mottola, who used to be married to Mariah Carey, are also among those who appear in the documents.

One Twitter user pointed out that Maria Shriver’s network is full of rich and powerful people spanning the royal, political, and cultural elite. Shriver was allegedly connected to Epstein.

Breitbart adds:

As Breitbart News reported, Epstein and Woody Allen reportedly made plans to socialize together every month from 2014 to 2015, according to a previous batch of documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal.

Allen’s spokesperson told the Journal the filmmaker was always accompanied by his wife, Soon-Yi Previn, when socializing with Epstein.


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