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JUST IN: GOP Presidential Candidate Officially Files

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) has filed paperwork with the FEC to run for president.

Scott is expected to make a formal announcement in South Carolina on Monday.


Scott joins a GOP presidential primary field that includes Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Asa Hutchinson.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to enter the 2024 presidential race later this month.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Officially Declaring Presidential Candidacy Next Week?

The Hill reported:

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is gearing up to roll out a $6 million ad campaign as the senator is widely expected to formally launch a White House bid next Monday.

A senior Scott official said that the senator will be launching a $5.5 million statewide multi-platform ad campaign that will air on TV, radio, satellite and cable in the early presidential primary states of New Hampshire and Iowa.

A separate seven-figure digital ad buy will also be launched. Both ad campaigns will air until the first GOP debate.

“This campaign is built to win and has the resources and messenger to deliver a Republican nomination and ultimately the White House,” said a senior Scott official .

The ad campaign comes as Scott is anticipated to announce on Monday that he’ll officially be running for president on the Republican side. Scott launched an exploratory committee last month and has been making trips to states like Iowa and his home state of South Carolina, another early presidential primary state.

The Washington Examiner wrote:

Scott received a major endorsement on Thursday from Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD), his first Senate endorsement since speculation began that he is joining the growing list of Republicans vying for the presidency.

Once in the race, Scott will face former President Donald Trump, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC).

The South Carolina senator formed an exploratory committee last month and recently hired key staff for his campaign operation. His 2024 plans are to focus on presenting a message of faith-based optimism, one that contrasts sharply with the mud-slinging already seen between Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who has not entered the presidential field.

Eleven of Scott's Senate colleagues have already endorsed Trump, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Scott has notably picked up a Senate endorsement before DeSantis, who has made limited headway in receiving endorsements from national players.

Read Tim Scott's statement of candidacy form at the Federal Election Commission website.


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