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MAJOR DECISION: Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin From Freely Releasing Migrants

A Federal Judge has officially blocked the Biden admin from releasing migrants into the United States without court dates.

Federal Judge T. Kent Wetherell II ruled the Biden administration must not release migrants into the United States without “parole with conditions.”

As of right now, many migrants are flooding into the United States without any future court date in sight which means the likelihood of a person ever going in front of a judge is slim to none.

Fox News broke the story:

A federal judge on Thursday evening blocked the Biden administration from implementing a policy that allows for the release of migrants without court dates – just hours away from the end of the Title 42 public health order.

Judge T. Kent Wetherell II imposed a two-week restraining order on the Biden administration policy, which would see migrants released on “parole with conditions.”

The policy was outlined in a Border Patrol memo this week, which says that migrants can be allowed into the country on parole — a process typically reserved for “urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit” — if Customs and Border Protection (CBP) faces overcrowding. The memo calls the practice “parole with conditions” as migrants are required to make an appointment with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or request a Notice to Appear by mail.

Under a parole release, migrants are rapidly released into the country, do not get an alien registration number and do not receive a court date.

Here’s what just the News reported:

A federal judge has barred the Biden administration from enacting policies to release migrants without setting court dates.

Under the plan, should U.S. Customs and Border Protection struggle to accommodate a large influx of migrants, they may release migrants from custody on parole. A memo from the Border Patrol outlined the plan, Fox News reported.

But Judge T. Kent Wetherell II’s Thursday evening decision means that the administration must wait two weeks before implementing that plan due to a judicial restraining order.


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