James O’Keefe is doing just fine without Project Veritas.
Actually, he WAS Project Veritas and they made a huge mistake.
Oh well.
We will continue to follow James just like the rest of the world.
And he just delivered again.
James caught up with Dylan Mulvaney at the Four Seasons Hotel and for some reason the cat got her tongue.
She didn’t feel much like chatting.
Wonder why?
Watch this:
JUST NOW AT FOUR SEASONS IN LA.: James O’Keefe Questions @budlight’s Dylan Mulvaney on OMG Jailhouse footage showing women inmates testifying on being housed with male rapists claiming to be transgender. pic.twitter.com/bXh2Rmm0aA
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) April 14, 2023
If you want more on that video James was trying to show you, I’ve got you covered.
It’s right here:
JAILHOUSE FOOTAGE: Male Inmates in Womens' Prison Claiming to be Transgender.
"Rapists, Murderers, Child Rapists, and Men Who Have Killed Women in Our Rooms"#MillionDollarBaby pic.twitter.com/l1QbZc4Snv
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2023
And on YouTube here:
From the Daily Wire, here is more:
James O’Keefe released a video Thursday evening in which two female inmates at the Washington State Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) discuss male inmates allegedly abusing the system by claiming to be transgender.
O’Keefe said that WCCW has been “the tip of the spear with inclusivity in the prison system” as he went on to explain that OMG News went to great lengths to protect the identities of the two women by significantly altering their voices and blurring out their faces.
The video identified the inmates as “Inmate #1” and “Inmate #2,” and it was not clear how or when the interview was conducted.
ADVERTISEMENT“So, we have men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who get put in our rooms,” Inmate #1 claimed. “Imagine coming into your room one day and you’re in closed custody and you turn around and there is a man standing there peeing in the toilet because you have the bathroom in your room in CCU. There is nothing you can do!”
“I know there’s some having sex with women — there was some, like, assaulting, but no one reported it,” Inmate #1 said.
“Some of these men are not confused, they’re just manipulating the system. It’s not equal, because we don’t get the same care and treatment that the trans get in here,” Inmate #1 continued. “They cater to the trans community. All you have to do is say that you are a woman, that you now, when you’re in county, say that you identify as a woman, and you can come straight to here from county. The guys don’t even have to go to the men’s prison first.”
Inmate #1 said that some of the men who were getting put in the prison by claiming that they were transgender were doing so just so they could have sex with female inmates.“There’s nothing you can do but say you’re going to kill yourself and then go down to the crazy unit to get out of that room,” Inmate #1 said. “And if you refuse to go back in there, you get a major, you get in trouble. I told all this to the assistant secretary.”
Inmate #2 said that normally, in correctional institutions, people are segregated, like “sex offenders, usually sex offenders are not in general population, they’re always in the population of their own.”
And one more…
Here is James exposing the massive fraud of Act Blue.
Have you seen this?
James O’Keefe has done it again. This is fraud. Expose them and shut down Act Blue. pic.twitter.com/GhWXG0nRgJ
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) April 12, 2023
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