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DEBATE: Celebrities Try To Find Someone To Blame For Biden’s Humiliating Defeat

It was a rough night in Hollywood for Biden supporters.

And by ‘Biden supporters’ I really just mean Trump haters.

Let’s face it, who really supports Biden?

These celebrities quickly distanced themselves from this political train wreck.

Biden has made it clear that he is not a suitable candidate to be running for the 2024 election.

Now what are they to do?

The word ‘Newsom’ is swirling in the camps.

Some of us knew they’d throw Biden under the bus and bring out his replacement.

Now we wait to see who that is.

Daily Mail reports:

Celebrities who are normally the first to offer praise for Joe Biden distanced themselves from him after his debate disaster.

The president and his predecessor faced off in the first of two debates in Atlanta on Thursday night on topics from the economy to immigration and foreign affairs.

Biden, suffering from a cold, spoke hoarsely and appeared confused and sometimes incoherent at the start of the debate, but improved as it went along.

Trump, on the other hand, had his usual energy as he attacked Biden on the stage and made at least 30 untrue statements during the 90-minute debate.

Democrats went into a panic during and after the debate as Biden’s lackluster performance made them worried about a landslide defeat.

Celebrities including Barbra Streisand, John Cusack, Mark Hamil, and Stephen King vented their frustrations online as the debate played out.

One of the top targets was CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as several celebrities claimed they were letting Trump get away with lying.

‘What is wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject? They ask him a question, but then let him go on a rampage about something else. Not fair!’ Streisand wrote mid-debate.

The singer earlier in the day called debates ‘televised theatrics’ rather than governing, and called Biden ‘accomplished at governing’.

Bette Midler, famous for playing a witch, thought Biden did just fine.

Your spell isn’t going to work on us, lady.

Meanwhile, Friday morning Trump appears in great spirits as he golfs away and points out the obvious about Biden:


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