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PANIC: French President Warns of Civil War if French Doesn’t Vote for Him

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Trouble for the globalist in France, non?

Looks that way!

You see, the French president caused quite a stir by announcing a snap election on June 9.

This came about after a major defeat for his coalition at the hands of the right wing National Rally in the European election.

So now France is gearing up for a parliamentary showdown that might just see a historic surge of right wing MPs.

The left is realizing their losing their grip in the political realm, which means loss of control over the people.

So Macron comes out and warns that there could be an uprising, a ‘civil war’ if he loses next month in the election.

Is this a warning or is it a threat?

What plans does his club have in store when he loses?

Looks like conservative Le Pen could take his place!

Globalists are very worried about this.


The Gateway Pundit reports:

French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that France is headed towards a “civil war” if his party does not win the upcoming parliamentary elections.

After a bruising defeat by Marine Le Pen’s conservative National Rally party during the European elections earlier this month, Macron called snap parliamentary elections.

Both National Rally and the far-left France Unbowed are riding high in the polls and could hold a parliamentary majority if the election goes their way.

Fearing the loss of his majority, Macron is warning that the country may soon be headed towards violence.

Politico adds:

The French president triggered uproar when he called a snap election on June 9 after his coalition was trounced by the far right National Rally in the European election. The French are now preparing to vote in a parliamentary election that could send a record number of far-right members of parliament to the National Assembly.

Recent polls suggest the National Rally would win 35 percent in the first round on Sunday, ahead of a left wing alliance, which includes the France Unbowed party on 27 percent and Macron’s centrists on 19 percent.

In the past days, the French president’s allies have warned of the risks France faces if voters turn to the far right or the far left, in particular the risk of economic turmoil.

On Monday the president went a step further in warning what he called the “extremes” increase “conflict and civil war.”

The French are waking up.

Even one of their MPs who got heart surgery from the vaccine discovered Macron didn’t the vaccine. Let’s say he wasn’t too happy about that.


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