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JUST IN: President Trump On Pace To Win Blue State That Hasn’t Gone Red In Over 50 Years!

Given Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive issues and the disastrous policies implemented by his administration, it’s clear that Americans nationwide are eager to replace him in the White House.

Despite the mainstream media’s attempt to spin Biden’s record, voters across the ideological spectrum recognize that things were much better under Donald Trump. And the polls are increasingly showing that the former president is gaining ground even in deep-blue regions of the country.

That even includes one state that hasn’t gone to a GOP presidential nominee since Richard Nixon more than half a century ago.

The New York Post elaborated on the findings of a recent Emerson College/The Hill poll:

The poll also showed Trump and Biden dead even at 45% each in Minnesota, which has backed a Republican for president just three times since the onset of the Great Depression.

However, the Trump campaign has insisted that the Land of 10,000 Lakes is in play this time around.

“Independent voters break for Trump in all seven states – however, there has been some movement among these voters since April,” Kimball said. “In Arizona, Trump’s support among independents dropped five points, from 48% to 43%. In Michigan, Trump’s support dropped three, from 44% to 41%, and in Pennsylvania, Trump dropped eight points, from 49% to 41%. Biden lost support among independents in Georgia, by six points, 42% to 36% and Nevada, by five, 37% to 32%.”

The RealClearPolitics polling average also shows Trump leading Biden in all six battlegrounds surveyed by Emerson, with the former president on top by margins ranging from 0.2 percentage points in Michigan to 5.7 percentage points in Nevada.

Trump’s positive polling news has sparked significant discussion on social media:


Political operatives are also analyzing the results, as the Daily Caller reported:

“While Minnesota hasn’t voted Republican at the presidential level in a long time, it was decided by fewer than 45,000 votes in 2016, and by fewer than 100,000 votes in 2004,” Jon McHenry, GOP polling analyst and vice president at North Star Opinion Research, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s certainly in play this time around.”

Other polls have Biden leading in Minnesota, but by an increasingly narrow margin. Biden was shown leading Trump by four points, according to Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy findings from June. In May, Biden was also leading in Minnesota by a slim two point margin, according to a KSTP/SurveyUSA poll.

In 2020, Biden won Minnesota with a 7.2% margin, which was on track with historical trends. In 2016, former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton won the state with a 1.5% margin. Former President Barack Obama also won Minnesota in 2012 and 2008, with a 7.7% and 10.2% margin, respectively.

“The reason Donald Trump can run so close in Minnesota is the general level of dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s presidency, especially in his handling of the economy and illegal immigration,” McHenry told DCNF. “Unless voters change their minds about the economy, states that narrowly voted for President Biden in 2020 are going to flip, and states that gave him a more solid margin like Minnesota are going to be very close.”

Here’s some additional polling insight ahead of the first Trump-Biden debate of the campaign season:


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