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Trump-Endorsed Navy Captain Veteran WINS Virginia Senate Primary

150504-N-VH054-016 PANAMA CITY, Fla. (May. 4, 2015) Mayor Greg Brudnicki (middle) presents the Year of the Military Diver (YOTMD) proclamation to Rear Adm. Jonathan W. White (left) and Cdr. Hung Cao (right) during the YOTMD proclamation ceremony at Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC). NDSTC will recognize 35 years of training this year and the 100th anniversary of the Mark V Dive helmet to commemorate the YOTMD. NDSTC, the largest diving facility in the world, trains more than 1,200 military divers from every branch of service each year. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Harry Andrew D. Gordon/Released)

The results are in for the Virginia GOP senate primary in Georgia.

Hung Cao, a retired Navy Captain and Vietnam refugee endorsed by President Trump, has been declared the winner!

He easily beat his challengers, getting 61.8% of the total vote.

Cao is now headed to the November Senate election, where he will go head-to-head with Democrat Senator Tim Kaine.

Check out the breaking news:

Hung Cao celebrated his win in this post on X:

And, here is what President Trump had to say in his endorsement of Hung Cao:

It was a tough race, with Cao squaring off against 4 other challengers to become the Republican party’s candidate.

But, in the end, Cao won by a long-shot.

More from The Daily Signal:


Hung Cao, a Vietnamese immigrant and career U.S. Navy veteran, prevailed Tuesday in a five-candidate race to become the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat from Virginia.

Endorsed by former President Donald Trump, Cao won with 67% of the vote and will take on Sen. Tim Kaine, the two-term Democratic incumbent, in November.

“My message to Tim Kaine is: don’t go away mad, just go away. Thirty years getting rich on our dime is more than enough,” Cao told The Daily Signal. “We need fighters to solve our problems, not politicians.”

Cao’s campaign raised more than $2 million, double the amount of any of the other four Republican Senate candidates.

Cao will be “a tireless fighter to stop inflation, grow our Economy, secure our Border, strongly support our incredible Military/Vets, and defend our always under siege Second Amendment,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social shared on X by Cao.



USA Today added:

Hung Cao beat out four contenders in the Republican U.S. Senate primary election on Tuesday for the chance to take on Sen. Tim Kaine in November.

After about $5.7 million spent and more than one and a half years of campaigning for many of the five contenders, Virginia’s U.S. Senate primary ended with Cao as the victor.

“Tomorrow, we begin our campaign to save the country that saved my life. I spent twenty-five years in the Navy, while Tim Kaine spent thirty years in elected office. The taxpayers signed the front of our paychecks for the same amount of time,” Cao said in a post on X after the race was called on Tuesday. “The difference is this: Tim Kaine got rich, and I got scars. Tim Kaine has already placed $2 million in television advertising for the fall, where he will pollute the airwaves with lies about me, but also about him.”

With Cao’s campaign coffers nearly empty after a hard-fought race, he will need to do some significant fundraising to compete with Kaine, who is entering into the General Election with more than $8.5 million cash on hand, according to the FEC.

Congratulations, Hung Cao!

We can’t wait to see you beat Tim Kaine in November and join the growing MAGA movement in the Senate!



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