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Trump-Endorsed John McGuire Seemingly Defeats Bob Good In Virginia, But May Be Headed For Recount

It’s a bitter fight to the end in Virginia, where John McGuire — a state senator challenging RINO Rep. Bob Good — has taken the lead in the state’s primary.

John McGuire earned the endorsement of President Trump.

Despite Bob Good’s claims, McGuire was the only Virginia candidate that Trump supported.

MTG explained in this video clip on X:

News of the Virginia primary’s results have already hit social media, with McGuire declaring victory:

Allies like MTG are also congratulating him on his win:

This is great news for the Republican party…

However, it might be a little early to celebrate, as McGuire’s win isn’t set in stone just yet.

Right now, McGuire is beating Good by 307 votes, or 0.4% with 95% of the vote in.

This means that, most likely, we’re going to see a recount, as they are permitted in Virginia if the victor wins by a margin of less than 1%.

As The Hill explained:

Rep. Bob Good (R) is still fighting for his political life the day after polls closed in Virginia.

The bitter race between Good, the chair of the House Freedom Caucus, and his primary challenger, John McGuire — a state senator who won the coveted endorsement of former President Trump — remained too close to call as of Wednesday afternoon, with McGuire holding a razor-thin edge over Good.

McGuire is leading Good by just 307 votes — or 0.4 percent — with 95 percent of the vote in, according to results from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ. More than 62,000 voters cast ballots in the race to represent Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

The contest is almost certainly headed to a recount: Virginia law allows candidates to request a recount if the margin is less than 1 percent.

AP added:

One of America’s most conservative congressmen was locked in a tight renomination battle against an opponent endorsed by former President Donald Trump in Virginia’s primary election Tuesday.

Rep. Bob Good, who chairs the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, is seeking a third term representing Virginia’s 5th Congressional District, but state Sen. John McGuire has mounted a strong challenge that highlights frictions in the party.

Ballots remained to be counted, and the close margin made the race too early to call. Virginia observes the Juneteenth holiday and isn’t expected to count votes Wednesday as a result. McGuire led Good by 327 votes, or 0.52 percentage points, out of 62,495 ballots counted as of 12 a.m. Wednesday.

Earlier today, Bob Good posted this on X, saying he still believes that he has a path to victory through a recount:

Hopefully, we don’t see a small-scale repeat of the 2020 election here, in Virginia.

We’ll update this story as soon as the count is final — and hopefully, we will still see John McGuire prevail!


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