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Melania Trump Set To Host Fundraiser In New York

Melania Trump will host a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans next month.

The fundraiser is set to be hosted at Trump Tower in New York.

This is the second time this year Melania will be hosting a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans.

Previously, Melania hosted a fundraiser in April.

The Log Cabin Republicans is an organization that represents LGBTQ conservatives.

Per Politico:

Melania Trump is set to host a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans in her residence at Trump Tower in New York next month — her second for the group during the 2024 campaign.

The former first lady is listed as the headliner of a July 8 for “the nation’s largest Republican organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and allies,” according to a copy of the invitation obtained by POLITICO.

She held another event for Log Cabin Republicans in April at Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach, Florida club, where she lives with former President Donald Trump.
Trump campaign representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

But the famously private Trump has kept a low profile throughout her husband’s third presidential campaign, never speaking publicly about any of his legal troubles. She has generally steered clear of political events, though there have been a few exceptions.

Check out what the Hill reported:

Former first lady Melania Trump is scheduled to host a fundraiser next month for Log Cabin Republicans, her second time this year hosting a gala for the group representing LGBTQ conservatives.
The former first lady will host the event at Trump Tower in New York City, Log Cabin Republicans confirmed. It will take place July 8.

The money from the event will be used for the organization’s efforts to support the presidential ticket and down-ballot Republicans in November’s elections.

Politico first reported that Trump would host the fundraiser.

The July fundraiser will mark a rare instance of engagement on the campaign trail for Trump, who has mostly been absent from her husband’s White House bid.


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