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WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Racine, Wisconsin

President Trump is back on the campaign trail today — this time holding a rally in Racine, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is a swing state that Trump won in 2016, but narrowly “lost” (or was cheated out of?) in 2020.

Hours before the rally started at 4 PM EST, a huge crowd of supporters were already lined up:

Here’s a clip of President Trump’s epic arrival in the state this afternoon:

As I write this, the rally is already underway, and the crowd has burst out into chants of “Send Them Back!”

Watch here:

The Washington Examiner shared details of the rally:

Former President Donald Trump is holding a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, a week after allegedly criticizing another city in the state over crime and alleged voter fraud.

The rally is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. EDT from the Badger State and will focus on “Joe Biden’s Failed Presidency,” according to the campaign.

You can watch the full Wisconsin rally from RSBN right here:


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