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Putin Meets Up With Kim Jong Un In Historic Meet-Up

Russian President Vladimir Putin received a warm welcome as he landed in North Korea to meet up with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

As Putin arrived in Pyongyang, the Russian President was met with a red carpet and shook hands with Kim Jong Un.

Putin’s visit to North Korea is the first time to visit the isolated country in 24 years.

Take a look:

Banners of Putin were spotted in North Korea:

The Guardian added these details:

Vladimir Putin has arrived in North Korea for a summit with Kim Jong-un, amid US warnings against any agreement that could add to military pressure on Ukraine and raise tensions on the Korean peninsula.

Making his first visit to the reclusive country since 2000, the Russian president flew to Pyongyang early on Wednesday to be greeted by huge welcome banners and Russian flags. Russian state media said his plane touched down in Pyongyang at about 2.45am local time after a stopover in Russia’s far east.

Putin is scheduled to meet Kim later on Wednesday, when they will sign agreements designed to deepen a relationship that has strengthened significantly since Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Kim, who met Putin in Vladivostok during a week-long visit to Russia last September, is one of the few world leaders to have voiced unequivocal support for the war, while Putin has described the pair as “comrades-in-arms” against western attempts to isolate them through sanctions.

Check out what BBC reported:

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea to a red carpet welcome on Tuesday night at the start of his first visit to the totalitarian state in 24 years.

Mr Putin was met on the tarmac by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and – flanked by a military guard of honour – the pair talked animatedly for several minutes.

The two leaders last met in September at the Vostochny cosmodrome in Russia’s far east, but this is Mr Putin’s first trip to Pyongyang since 2000.

Ties between the two pariah states have increased in recent years, especially since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


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