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Seinfeld Handles Heckler with Perfect Comeback at Sydney Comedy Show

Witness Seinfeld’s Hilarious Response to Disruption!

During his performance in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday, Jerry Seinfeld was interrupted by an anti-Israel heckler. Seinfeld, known for his quick wit, turned the disruption into a hilarious moment that had the audience laughing.

Have a quick look at what the Australian Jewish Association tweeted about it.

Seinfeld Hilariously Shuts Up the Anti-Israel Heckler!

Here is how he responded!

“We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen; he solved the Middle East,” Seinfeld joked as the crowd jeered the heckler.

As security moved to remove the disruptor, Seinfeld continued, “They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds, so I would try to get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.”

Here from the New York Post

Jerry Seinfeld publicly shamed an anti-Israel heckler who interrupted the famed comedian’s show in Australia with pro-Palestinian chants over the weekend.

That is just how to handle hecklers, right?

Seinfeld didn’t stop there. 

“You’re really influencing everyone here. We’re all on your side now because you’ve made your point so well and are in the right venue. You’ve come to the right place for a political conversation,” he quipped. “You have to go 20,000 miles from the problem and screw up a comedian; that is how you solve world issues.”

Check out these responses on social media:

It’s reported that Seinfeld has faced similar disruptions recently, with several of his comedy sets and his commencement speech at Duke University being targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters. 

This follows the report that Seinfeld’s wife had financed counterprotests at UCLA, which escalated into violence.

It’s revealed that Seinfeld has been an outspoken supporter of Israel and its war on Hamas. 

He traveled to a kibbutz in December to meet with hostages’ families and has voiced concerns over various cultural issues. He has criticized the “extreme left” for purging American television of good comedy and expressed his desire for the return of “dominant masculinity.”

Such a comedy legend!

“When we get protesters occasionally, I love to say to the audience, ‘You know, I love that these young people are trying to get engaged with politics. We have to correct their aim a little bit—they don’t seem to understand that as comedians, we really don’t control anything,” Seinfeld remarked in May.

Footage from the Australian Jewish Association shows Seinfeld addressing the heckler, who was chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” As the protester was escorted out, Seinfeld quipped, “It’s a comedy show, you moron.”



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