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The “New Nostradamus” Predicts World War 3 Will Start TOMORROW!

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I am covering this for documentation purposes…

Because we have quite a big new prediction from someone who has come to be known as the “New Nostradamus”.

That’s a fairly big title, so it caught my eye.

It’s also a big prediction, which also caught my eye.

Meet Kushal Kumar, here’s a short bio of his “work”:

Kushal Kumar is a renowned Indian astrologer known for his accurate Vedic astrology predictions. He has made several significant predictions that have garnered attention worldwide. Here are some of his notable predictions:

  1. Global Geopolitical Tensions and Wars: Kumar predicted the possibility of World War III, pinpointing specific dates in June 2024 (10th, 18th, and 29th) as potential triggers for global conflict. He mentioned that the sea would be the primary center of operations, with significant tensions involving the US, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza​ (Wisdom Magazine)​​ (Outlook India)​.
  2. US Health and Economic Predictions (2023-2024): Kumar forecasted health concerns in the United States, particularly related to respiratory issues and the potential for another wave of coronavirus. He also highlighted significant financial outflows in early 2024 to support various sectors like pharmaceuticals, space programs, and agriculture. Additionally, he anticipated major scientific discoveries and developments in space research and modern warfare technology​ (Wisdom Magazine)​​ (Wisdom Magazine)​.
  3. Natural Disasters and Environmental Concerns: Kumar has warned about possible volcanic eruptions and major fires that might require international attention and support, reflecting his broader environmental concerns tied to planetary influences​ (Outlook India)​.

Kushal Kumar’s predictions, based on his interpretations of Vedic astrology, have made him a notable figure in the field, with a track record of forecasting significant global events and trends.

Kumar now predicts WW3 is starting soon….as in TOMORROW soon:

Watch more here:

Here’s more from Daily Mail:

An Indian astrologer has boldly declared the start date of World War III – predicting it could begin within days.

Kushal Kumar, known as the ‘New Nostradamus,’ has claimed World War III could begin on June 18, 2024.

Speaking to The Daily Star, Kumar said, ‘Now, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well.’

Kumar pointed to various international conflicts as signs of the impending global conflict.

Expressing concern, Kumar warned: ‘It may be observed here that predictive alert for better care and appropriate strategy involves careful and serious interpretation of planetary impacts while unintended human error or slip cannot be ruled out entirely.’

Kumar originally made this prediction in May, and is doubling down – despite forecasting the wrong date previously.

He previously predicted June 10 as the war’s start date, which did not occur, casting doubt on the accuracy of his predictions.

Despite the false prediction, Kumar now is confident that he sees June 18 as having the greatest potential for conflict initiation, while also mentioning June 29 as another possible date.

‘Living Nostradamus’ predicts ‘three days of darkness’ caused by a technology blackout in 2024 as the world teeters on the brink of electronic warfare
article image
He said the starting date is sparked by significant planetary alignments that he believes could trigger a worldwide conflict.

Kumar uses the Vedic astrology chart to make his predictions, which is a system rooted in Hindu culture and is believed to be a ‘map of our karma,’ utilizing alignments of planets and stars.

He credited incidents like the terror attacks on the India-Pakistan border, North Korean soldiers crossing into South Korea, and rising tensions between Israel and Lebanon.

While we haven’t set a date, we have warned many times recently that WW3 is close — if we’re not already in it now.

“Gold Is Trading Like World War 3 Is Guaranteed!”

“crooked Joe” would lead us into World War III?

"crooked Joe" would lead us into World War III?

In early 2022, President Trump issued this statement...

He said "crooked Joe" would lead us into World War III.

Unfortunately his prophecy may be coming true.

And according to an official congressional report...

9 in 10 Americans may die from

this terrifying attack on America.

You and your family do NOT

have to be a victim.

You see, a famous military insider

and purple heart hero just released

this video showing the three steps 

you need to take to prepare.

This video is going viral…

But it's highly controversial.

So I urge you to watch this video now before it's

banned from the internet for the rest of time.

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