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President Trump Shares HILARIOUS Nancy Pelosi Story, Pelosi Daughters Instantly Melt Down

Part of what has made Donald Trump such a uniquely intriguing political force is his ability to deliver anecdotes that resonate with his supporters while getting deep under the skin of his foes.

He has repeatedly implemented this strategy in remarks about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), including a recent jab aimed at the California Democrat and her “whacko” daughter.

As the New York Post reported:

Punchbowl News reporter Jake Sherman claimed that the ex-commander-in-chief told House Republicans on his jaunt to Capitol Hill Thursday that one of Pelosi’s “whacko” daughters told him they would make a good couple.

“Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is a whacko, her daughter told me if things were different Nancy and I would be perfect together, there’s an age difference though,” Sherman reported Trump saying.

Trump is 77 while Nancy is 84. The presumptive GOP nominee’s current wife Melania is 54, younger than Christine Pelosi, 58.

The report of Trump’s comments quickly drew a reaction among social media users across the political spectrum.

Perhaps the most notable reaction, however, came from one of Pelosi’s daughters. It is worth noting that Trump apparently did not specify which of the daughters made the alleged remark he referenced at the recent event.

According to The Hill:

The daughter of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) hit former President Trump over what she characterized as a “deranged obsession” with her mother.

“His deceitful, deranged obsession with our mother is yet another reason Donald Trump is unwell, unhinged and unfit to step foot anywhere near her — or the White House,” Christine Pelosi wrote on the social platform X.

Trump’s remarks came amid growing backlash against Pelosi, who could be seen in a recently released video from Jan. 6, 2021, apparently admitting that she dropped the ball when it came to providing security for the Capitol building.


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