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‘You Can’t Fool Us’: Jake Paul Explains Why He Expects To Vote For Donald Trump

As Joe Biden continues to display incompetence and incoherence at every turn, Donald Trump is collecting an expansive number of celebrity endorsements ahead of November’s election.

One of the most recent stars to sing Trump’s praises is Jake Paul, the YouTuber-turned-boxer who’s been in the news lately for his anticipated bout against Mike Tyson.

Although Paul said he’s not a political person, he explained in a recent interview that the former president displays an authenticity that resonates with him and young adults nationwide.

As Fox News reported:

“It doesn’t have to do with Democrat or Republican — it’s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible,” Paul said on the show. “That’s really what the young people in America want. We want solutions, we don’t want all this marketing, we don’t want the B.S. put in front of us.

“This is the smartest generation. We’ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation. You can’t fool us. We just want the truth, and we want authenticity.”

Watters asked Paul what the solutions are, and he laughed that it wasn’t his “expertise,” nor was there enough time in his spot on the show to go through all the country’s issues.

Trump’s growing support, both among celebrities and ordinary voters, has been the topic of significant discussion on social media:

As for the issues he believes the next president will need to address, Paul told Fox News host Jesse Watters that he’s not an expert, but focused on issues including the food supply.

According to The Express:

When pressed by Watters for his own solutions to the issues he mentioned, Paul chuckled away the query, stating that it’s not his “expertise”. He also remarked that there wasn’t enough time during the show to delve into all his thoughts on the nation’s challenges, reports the Express US.

“I know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages are too much for people to afford, inflation, prices are going up, is minimum wage rising,” he listed as primary concerns. “People are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they’re feeling like, “Hey, I have this college degree, but what has this gotten me?

Here’s a clip from Paul’s recent interview:


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