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AOC’s Tweet Praising the Lord For Bad Weather At Trump Rally BACKFIRES Tremendously

Before President Trump’s rally in the Bronx yesterday, AOC took to X/Twitter to praise the Lord for sending rainy weather on Trump rally day.

She posted “God is Good” in response to a post claiming it was going to be a “muddy mess” for the Trump rally.

Here’s the original tweet:

AOC had formerly mocked President Trump for holding the rally in South Bronx — right next to to her own district.

From The Washington Times:

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s district does cover some of the Bronx, but not the area where the rally will be held.

The socialist and leading “Squad” member slammed the former president for the rally Tuesday, saying he’s holding it because he’s a “broke” hustler.

“Donald Trump is broke. He needs money. He’s hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal fees,” she told reporters.

She said he only chose the New York location because of how much time he spends in the city for his criminal trials.

“The man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him. And he can’t leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court,” she said. “It is truly an embarrassment to him. I am looking forward to the response of everyday Bronxites, talking about how they feel about him coming to their backyard.”

Of course, it ended up BACKFIRING on her spectacularly!

Just take a look at these clips from the Bronx rally last night — in sunny weather, no less!

God is good, INDEED!

The sun came out for President Trump during yesterday’s rally — along with a MASSIVE crowd of diverse supporters!

Even CNN was forced to admit it looked “like America” in the Bronx last evening!

HILARIOUS: Watch CNN Forced To Admit The Trump Bronx Rally Is HUGE and DIVERSE!

NBC News commented more on the turnout and what Bronx residents had to say about President Trump:

Donald Trump drew one of the most diverse rally crowds of his political career on Thursday when he made a pilgrimage to a New York borough that rejected him by a whopping 68 points in 2020.

Winning New York state is the longest of long shots for the former president, while pulling out a victory in the Bronx is inconceivable. But trends that were apparent Thursday at Trump’s rally there echoed broader themes of the campaign that have Democrats nervous headed into the fall: that a small but potentially powerful share of Black and Hispanic Americans, particularly younger voters, may break from President Joe Biden and vote for Trump or a third party or stay home.

NBC News spoke with nearly a dozen Bronx voters ahead of Trump’s speech, many of whom were not there to either attend his rally or a counterprotest. While some expressed disdain for him or said they felt he was crazy, others voiced appreciation for elements of his presidency — like the stimulus checks sent out during the Covid pandemic that bore his name — and said they saw no issue with his making an appearance in the Bronx.

Carolina de la Cruz, a Bronx resident who owns and operates a day care center, was taking some of her kids through Crotona Park on Thursday afternoon to, as she said, help them connect with nature and participate in “tree-hugging.” She was unaware that Trump was set to deliver an address in the park later that evening until she asked a police officer about the increased patrol.

No problem, she said. De la Cruz said that though she identified as a Democrat, she voted for Trump in 2020 and planned to vote for him this fall, too.

“We definitely need a change,” she said, adding that her neighborhood has become more chaotic in recent years and that other friends and family members who were repelled by Trump’s language and approach are now saying “we need” him back.

“They’re forgetting what he said, and they’re more focused on what he was doing in power,” she said.

What’s more, some voters expressed frustration over the influx of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border, particularly those being relocated to New York City, where they say there has been a strain on social services.

Roberto M., a Bronx resident who attended Trump’s rally after work and declined to give his full name, described himself as a moderate and said he was keeping an open mind ahead of the fall and wanted to hear what Trump had to say. He said he voted for Biden in 2020.

“A lot of people are considering giving him an opportunity,” he said, adding: “I’m all about social justice and people coming here to better their lives. But I feel like in this administration there’s been a lack of control with the influx of individuals that are coming here, especially in New York, where we’re seeing a lot of budget cuts due to trying to accommodate some people to get services.”


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