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‘You Lose All Credibility’: Bill Maher Confronts Joy Behar Over Her Pro-Biden Propaganda

Conservatives have watched in amazement over the past few years as far-left comedian Bill Maher has been increasingly willing to attack the hypocrisy and idiocy of fellow Democrats.

While he is still far from a conservative himself, his willingness to acknowledge the truth about issues from DEI to transgenderism have helped him become an unlikely right-wing ally in the ongoing culture wars.

Most recently, he appeared on ABC’s “The View” and shared some opinions that clearly ran contrary to the co-hosts’ preferred narrative.

At one point, he shot back at Joy Behar in response to a question about withholding criticism of Joe Biden simply because he’s a Democrat.

As Fox News reported:

“I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden, because I feel as though – not that I have so much power, and you have some more than I do, obviously – but are you afraid that you might, you know, influence the people who are on the fence?” co-host Joy Behar asked Maher.

“I think you lose all credibility,” Maher replied. “I do. My bond with my audience has always been I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not going to like everything I say but you know I’m saying what I really think is true.”

Despite being an outspoken liberal, Maher has criticized his own side with regard to woke ideology, managing COVID-19, and Biden’s electoral viability.

Maher noted that Biden may only be a few years older than former President Trump, but acts like he’s much older.

“I saw him yesterday making that speech,” Maher said. “I mean, I’m sorry, he’s cadaver-like.”

Maher’s outspokenness drew some support among social media users.

Maher also seemed to stun the show’s co-hosts with his clear defense of Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists.

According to Mediaite:

Sunny Hostin: Are you at all concerned about the innocent civilians that have been collectively punished and murdered? Largely children and women? Aren’t you at all concerned about the fact that the International Criminal Court just today issued a subpoena for Bibi Netanyahu?

Maher: Well, that’s that’s ridiculous, but it’s a war.

Hostin: Why?

Maher: Because it’s a war. And they were attacked, and they’re defending themselves. Now, this is a war. Do you think Hamas needs to be destroyed? This is the question.

Hostin: Yes.

Maher: You do?

Hostin: Yes.

Maher: Okay.

Alyssa Farah Griffin: So, how do we do that with a ceasefire?

Maher: All right, so Hamas needs to be destroyed because they are a terrorist organization who have, who say openly that they want to commit genocide on the Jewish people, on the state of Israel. That’s what “from the river to the sea” means. Okay? And they say it very openly. They said, “We did this attack.” They’ve attacked the Israel five times. They’ve started five wars since they were given that land back. They could have chosen to turn that place into any place they wanted to. And they took a lot of money that they took from the international community, and they spent it on bombs and guns and building tunnels. So if they need to be destroyed, how do we do that? It’s a war. I don’t know how to do that, and you don’t know how to do that. I assume the Israeli Defense–

Hostin: But are you concerned about the innocent lives?

Maher: Of course, everybody is, but that’s what happens in a war. Here’s a way to stop that: stop attacking Israel.

Here’s a clip from that segment of Maher’s appearance on “The View.”


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