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Rage Rituals: Viral Video Shows Liberal Women Screaming in the Forest

Regret and grieving comes out in unexpected ways.

While at first glance, seeing these women screaming in the forest and violently striking a stick on the ground is very odd.

But this isn’t happening because ‘liberal women are weird’.

There’s deep wounds in them, and those wounds can come in the form of mental disorders.

Remember, Jesus told us:

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

Something is off in their heart, clearly.

I heard a pastor say, the heart of every matter is a matter of the heart.

Enter Mia Banducci, an author who charges these vulnerable women $1000’s to air their grievences to an unresponsive forest over a retreat.

And video clips of this retreat is going viral.

These liberal women have been sold a bill of good for a long time.

Imagine living a life of making liberal decisions. How many regrets and bad choices lies within them? And who knows what else?

Maybe following in the footsteps of the HBO’s Sex and the City, which millions of women did, wasn’t a good idea afterall.

The creator of that show regrets it herself:

“Truly alone” is the fate a lot of them have chosen.

So, you see, a lot of liberal women are stuck in bad place.

It’s sad, really.

Here’s what happens when feminism gets a stranglehold on women in our society and God is removed:

And Elon makes a great point.

Imagine suppressing your God given desires for years and years, even possibly decades? And then realizing it was suppressed for a company that sees you as expendable.

Gateway Pundit reports:

A weird trend has been emerging worldwide where well-off women are paying thousands of dollars to go deep into the woods and scream like hyenas at the top of their lungs while smashing sticks.

USA Today reported that these events, known as rage rituals, have garnered attention on social media platforms, including TikTok. Women who have partaken in these events claim they are inspired to see other females manifest their anger.

Mia Banducci, an author and self-proclaimed “Spiritual Fairy Godmother,” is one of the individuals organizing these retreats. She told the outlet this month that the retreats help release negative feelings and increase happiness elsewhere in participants’ lives.

“When people do this and give themselves permission to release their anger, their capacity for joy actually expands,” she said. “They’re able to feel more happiness and pleasure, and they go home to their families with more gratitude and ease and peace.”

Banducci has led rage rituals for several years. She started doing them for herself before offering them to the general public.

The process of a rage ritual is simple. Banducci explained to USA Today that participants first grab big sticks while thinking about “every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way.”

After taking warm-up breaths, the contestants start screaming and swinging the sticks for at least 20 minutes or until their arms go limp.

This comment gives some great insight on the origins of feminism, with roots going back to Gloria Steinham in the 60’s.

This corrupt System creates broken people.

Either this System breaks.

Or the people break.

Simple as that.


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