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After Iran’s President Is Confirmed Dead, Richard Grennel Posts Some Strange Tweets!

Stick with me on this one because there are a lot of moving pieces to explain so you can understand what’s going on.

You may recall Richard Grennel served in the Trump Administration in many roles…

He was appointed as the United States Ambassador to Germany in 2018 and served in this position until 2020. In February 2020, he was named the Acting Director of National Intelligence, making him the first openly gay person to serve in a Cabinet-level position in the United States. In addition, Grenell was also appointed as the Special Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Negotiations.

He’s seemingly been in Trump’s inner-circle, although he also seems to fly under the radar compared to some other big names that also served in the Trump Administration.

But he’s resurfaced today with some very strange Tweets that come on the heels of the Iranian President being killed in a Helicopter crash.

In case you missed that report, it’s right here:

CONFIRMED: Iranian President Killed In Mysterious Helicopter Crash, Here Are The Details

But now let's advance the story and take a look at Grennel's Tweet.

It looks like this:

Ok, let's all read it together, and remember we go right to left in Farsi....and go!

Just kidding.

Of course we can't read that chicken-scratch, but Twitter can and luckily it translates for us.

Here's the translation:

Khamenei, I hope you have no illusions that this was not an accident?!
Maybe it is your son's work that paved the way for him to become a leader? Or maybe the "enemy" has penetrated deep into the system?
Or maybe even the work of one of your military and security commanders?

Ok, so that raises a bunch of additional questions.

What "accident" is he referring to?

And who is Khamenei?

Allow me to explain....

In his tweet to Khamenei, Richard Grenell is suggesting that the recent explosion at a military base in Iran, which resulted in the death of Khamenei's son, might not have been an accident. He's implying that the incident could have been orchestrated by someone within Khamenei's inner circle, possibly his son's rivals or even his own security officials. Grenell's tweet seems to be a provocative statement, hinting at internal power struggles and potential threats to Khamenei's leadership.

He followed up with this Tweet next:

The "accident" he is referring to happened back in April:

On April 20, 2024, an explosion occurred at a military base in Iraq, which housed a coalition of pro-Iranian armed groups. This incident resulted in one fatality and several injuries. The base, located in the Babylon province, was housing the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), a predominantly Shiite, Iran-backed paramilitary unit. The PMF blamed the explosion on an attack, although the Iraqi military reported that there were no drones or fighter jets in the area before or during the blast. The cause of the explosion remained unclear.

This event took place amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran. It followed a suspected Israeli strike in Iran the day before, targeting a military base near Isfahan. The incident also occurred in the context of ongoing regional conflicts, including Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza, which had led to attacks by Iran-backed groups on US forces in Iraq and Syria.

The explosion in Iraq was part of a series of events that have been contributing to the volatile situation in the Middle East, involving various regional and international actors. The incident at the military base in Iraq was a significant event in this context, reflecting the complex and often hostile relations between different factions and nations in the region.

Ok, so that all still begs the question why is he Tweeting this out right now right after the Iranian President was killed in the helicopter crash?

He also posted these:

We'll continue to monitor this and bring you updates.


CONFIRMED: Iranian President Killed In Mysterious Helicopter Crash, Here Are The Details

Iranian search crews have reported there are "no signs of life" found at the helicopter crash site of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

An Iranian official told Reuters, “President Raisi’s helicopter was completely burned in the crash … unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead.”

On Sunday, Raisi’s helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous area, which caused search crews not to be able to find the crash site right away.

The country’s First Vice President, Mohammad Mokhber, will now take the role of president.

Here's what The New York Post reported:

Search crews reported “no signs of life” as they found the mangled helicopter that was carrying Iran’s hardliner President Ebrahim Raisi, the “Butcher of Tehran,” before it crashed in a remote region of the country on Sunday.

“President Raisi’s helicopter was completely burned in the crash … unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead,” an official told Reuters.

Raisi’s helicopter went down in a remote mountainous area is hazardous weather, and it took many hours of rescuers to locate the crash site.

With Raisi’s death, all eyes have turned to what his death might mean for Iran’s government.

Under Iranian law, the country’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber will now step into the role as president for a custodial period of 50 days, at which point an election must be held to choose Raisi’s successor.

Per Reuters:

Hopes are fading that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister have survived a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain and icy weather, an Iranian official said on Monday after search teams located the wreckage.

"President Raisi's helicopter was completely burned in the crash ... unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead," the official told Reuters.

Rescue teams fought blizzards and difficult terrain through the night to reach the wreckage in East Azerbaijan province in the early hours of Monday.

“We can see the wreckage and the situation does not look good,” the head of Iran’s Red Crescent, Pirhossein Kolivand, told state TV.

“With the discovery of the crash site, no signs of life have been detected among the helicopter's passengers.”

Iranian state media said images from the site showed the helicopter crashed into a mountain peak, although there was no official word yet on the cause of the crash.

Raisi, 63, was elected president in 2021, and since taking office has ordered a tightening of morality laws, overseen a bloody crackdown on anti-government protests and pushed hard in nuclear talks with world powers.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate power with a final say on foreign policy and Iran's nuclear programme, had earlier sought to reassure Iranians, saying there would be no disruption to state affairs.


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